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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

5 Actionable Steps for Your Wellness

Hey there!

I get asked a lot about what wellness is. It is an abstract term that is defined at as "the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.

To me that means that you make choices to be healthy. You try to eat right, exercise, avoid heavy drinking, avoid smoking, and be social.

I don't expect anyone to be perfect. Sometimes you want to celebrate a life event, splurge on delicious food, or even sit on the couch all day. I am here to tell you that all of this is okay.

As long as it's not something you do more than you don't.

If you are having trouble with motivation for your own wellness, that is okay too. Not everyone has found what motivates them. You are not motivated by the same things as your spouse, family, friends, co-workers, or me.

We can help you find out what motivates you to be more healthy. All we want to do is be better today than yesterday.

5 Actionable Steps For Your Wellness

  1. Choose activity by what you enjoy doing. If you like walking, let that be your activity. If you hate yoga, don't choose yoga as your activity.

  2. Get some sleep. I harp on this a lot. Good sleep helps you feel energetic and helps injuries heal. Bad sleep can lead to chronic health conditions (high blood pressure, COPD, etc.) and make you prone to more injuries.

  3. Choose whole foods more often then not. This doesn't mean that you can't have the occasional cheesecake or pizza (or any item you love). It does mean that you should only have those types of foods occasionally. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables and quality meats.

  4. Get Social. Even during this pandemic, try to get social with your friends and family. Just follow safety precautions. Visit with your family in a garage or at a park with masks on. Have a video call with multiple people. There are many options to be more social. If you are struggling for ideas, email us at

  5. Get Out. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic it feels like we are all stuck at home. It doesn't have to be this way. You can go places. You can drive somewhere for the day. Just follow the precautions of wearing a mask and social distancing. This will help with the monotony that we are all getting sick and tired of.

You can do any of these today! The important thing for your health and wellness is to start now! Don't wait. Pick one of these 5 items and do it now! Call someone, go for a walk, eat a banana, etc. The choices are endless.

The healthier you get today, the longer you will live!!



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