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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Balance Progressions 1

I run across a lot of people who say "I've never been good at balancing." One thing that we use everyday is our balance. When we don't have good balance there are two major things that pop up. One is that we may injure ourselves, so it is important to work on balance. The second thing is that maybe it is caused by something else. If this is the case, working on balance can help solve that to some extent.

Balance Progressions

If you are new to working on your balance, here is a basic intro to balance progressions:

hey there body-fixed PT fans today what we're gonna do is go over some balance progressions okay I know you can't see my feet in this video but that's okay we're just gonna talk about how to progress some balance okay so the first thing that you're gonna do is you're gonna just lift one foot mildly off the ground okay you're gonna hold that for 30 seconds to a minute and what you're gonna do this kind of boring so if you want to watch TV while you're doing this do it while you're brushing your teeth that's great you do that for all these okay gonna do it on both sides kind of compare side to side you don't want to be leaning over or dropping down like that that made me lose my balance alright the next progression in this one is to lift that leg that you're lifting off the ground all the way up to 90 degrees so you're gonna lift it up to here okay so that knee and hip are parallel you're gonna hold that for 30 seconds okay I'm not gonna hold it for 30 seconds here and then you'll switch legs and then do another 30 seconds when you finish that the next progression for balancing is to close your eyes so if you want to stand where you can put a hand on the wall we're gonna just do that first one again okay so we're going back we're just going to lift our foot a little bit off the ground okay and then we're going to close our eyes and then we'll hold that for up to 30 seconds now you can start with ten seconds and go up towards thirty seconds and then do the other leg again I'm lifting my eyes are closing

all right those are the first three progressions for balance if any of these are difficult for you go ahead and put a finger on the wall you're not gonna lean against the wall you can put a figure on a wall or on a counter just like so you're just gonna tap it with one finger that'll help you stabilize a little bit and those are there our first three progressions for balance


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