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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Being Perfect is Stressful!

It's hard to be perfect. At the 2021 (2020) Olympics mental health has been a hot topic. To compete at the level that Olympians compete at seems impossible for a lot of you (me too). For a lot of Olympians the goal is to be perfect. In gymnastics especially.

Did you know that gymnasts rarely are perfect, but every time out they try to be. It's hard.

For you, being perfect can be stressful.

What Does Being Perfect Mean?

Being perfect can mean different things to different people. For the purpose of this blog we will talk about perfect as defined on Google as "having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be."

That is hard. You can't be perfect all the time. Those of you who consider yourselves perfectionists are probably super stressed out right now. Something probably has not been done the way you would want to do it, or the way "it should be done."

I'm here to tell you that it's ok. Things will be ok.

Where Do You Try to be Perfect?

We, as humans, have areas that we try to be perfect in. Here is a list of things people try to be perfect with/at:

  • Spouse

  • Cleaning

  • Employee

  • Boss

  • Student

  • Athlete

  • Parent

It's okay to not be perfect at any of these.

Instead you should try to be the best that you can!

Recognize Your Limitations

Taking the steps to not be perfect are not difficult. They may seem hard at first, but you need to be okay with some failure. It is going to be hard.

To recognize your limitations it will take understanding of the fact that you can't be perfect. You can be great at some things, and strive for perfection in some things. It is too much stress to try to be perfect at everything.

Did you know that even the best in their field failed many times. They just kept trying. Sometimes you will need a break. Try something else, something new. Then return to it after some time has passed.

I'm not saying you shouldn't try. I am saying give it your best shot, and if it isn't perfect, it's ok.



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