Headaches have many causes. We are going to tell you how to fix your headache if it is being caused by your neck in this post.
Mechanical Causes of Headache (HA)
The major causes of headache are Migraine without Aura, Migraine with Aura, Tension Headache, and Cervicogenic (caused by the neck) Headache. We will address the Migraine headaches quickly, but our primary focus will be on Tension Headaches and Cervicogenic Headaches.
Migraine Headache without Aura (diagnosed with 5+ attacks that meet the following):
HA attacks lasting 4-72 hours when left untreated
Headache has 2+ of the following:
Unilateral location - it's only on one side of the head
Pulsating feeling
Moderate to severe pain intensity
Aggravation by routine physical activity
Causes you to avoid routine physical activity
During the headache, one or both of the following:
Nausea and/or vomitting
Photophobia (light sensitivity) or phonophobia (sound sensitivity)
Not attributed to another disorder or cause
Migraine Headache with Aura (diagnosed with 2+ attacks that meet the following):
One or more of the following reversible aura symptoms:
Speech and/or Language
Two or more of the following:
One or more aura symptoms that spreads gradually over 5 minutes, and/or two or more symptoms in succession
Each aura symptom lasts 5-60 minutes
At least one symptom is unilateral
Aura is accompanied, or followed within 60 minutes, by HA
Tension Type Headache:
HA lasting from 30 minutes to 7 days
At least 2 of the following:
Bilateral location
Pressing/tightening sensation
Mild to moderate pain intesity
Not aggravated by routine physical activity
No Nausea or vomiting
no more than one minor episode of photo or phonophobia (see definitions above)
Cervicogenic (Neck Causing) Headache:
Pain localized in neck and at the base of the skull (can spread unilaterally (usually) or bilaterally to other areas of the head)
Pain comes on, or is aggravated by, specific neck movements or sustained positions (such as sitting at a desk all day)
At least one of the following:
Limited neck range of motion (ROM)
Changes in muscle tone of the neck muscles
Response to stretching and/or contraction of muscles in the neck
Abnormal tenderness of the neck musculature
Self Treatment for Tension Headaches
To treat a tension headache on your own, there are a few simple things you can do.
We recommend trying to reduce stress (not easy at all) and increase sleep quality (also not easy to do). The rest is movement based:
You can add in some stretches to the neck as well.
Levator Scapulae Stretch
Upper Trap Stretch
After a couple of days, your tension should loosen up.
We also recommend trying to avoid as few things as possible and continue with your normal activity as much as you are able to do.
Self Treatment for Cervicogenic Headache
There are definately things that you can do on your own for cervicogenic headaches. The best treatment is to have the neck cavitation (see our blog on spinal manipulation). But when you are trying to avoid an appointment due to your busy schedule there are a couple of exercises you can try.
What Should You Do Now?
Try these exercises. Use the lists above to help you understand your type of headache. We can help with tension HA and with cervicogenic HA. If you want to know more, we are always willing to answer questions via email (info@bodyfixpt.com) or via telephone (425-202-5687).
To schedule an appointment visit our scheduling page.