Carbs get a bad rap! If you are like me, you love carbs. All of my favorite foods are full of carbs. I am here to tell you that carbs are not bad. I am taking a stance. Carbs are good for you! Even low carb diets let you eat carbs.
Do you want to know what is bad? Processed foods. The problem is that most processed foods are filled with carbs. Carbs are everywhere! Protein and Fat, not so much.
Sugar is the most famous of all carbs. It is in most of what we eat. Sugar is a natural substance. It is in fruit and vegetables. Refined sugar is bad. Refined sugar is what we think of as table sugar. It's what we add to our coffee. It is what comes in the little packets on the table. But it is highly processed in that form.
Try to take the sugar out of a strawberry or an apple! It's hard to do. But they contain naturally occurring sugars.
If you, like me, can try to avoid processed foods (think anything that comes in a box) then you can still eat carbs.
Here is a list of healthy and natural sources of carbs that can help you stay in shape and/or lose weight.
What are Carbs
Carbs contain some basic building blocks necessary to grow and survive. Carbohydrates are the prime sources for:
All of these aid in digestion, energy output, and cellular function
Healthy Sources of Carbs
You will see a pattern of whole foods in this list:
Vegetables - All of them. Try to taste the rainbow (but not with Skittles)
Fruits - The whole fruit and nothing but the fruit! Eat the skin (if it's edible) and the rainbow
Nuts - Can also add a great source of fat and protein depending on the type
Whole Grains - This one is a little harder. Some brands call themselves whole grains, but you need to focus on oats, quinoa, and brown rice
Legumes - Beans, peanuts, soy can also be a big source of protein as well as carbs
Tubers - Think of root vegetables, potatoes, yams, etc.
Seeds - sunflower, pumpkin, chia
As with any nutrition plan, it is best to vary your intake of all foods, including carbs.
Carb Sources to Use Sparingly
In this list you will see more processed carb sources
Cookies - even when made with whole grains
Sugary Drinks - sodas and sports drinks
White Bread/Rice - most nutrients have been stripped to make these look more appealing
Ice Cream - This one is my favorite
Highly Processed Potatoes - chips and fries have most nutrients stripped
Alcohol - beer, wine, vodka, rum, etc.
You may notice that a lot of our dessert choices are in this list, so use them in moderation.
The highly processed nature of these foods makes you crave more of the same. It is a chemical reaction in your brain that establishes cravings for more of these "unhealthy" types of carbs.
I want you to notice that I didn't tell you to avoid these foods. We need to enjoy what we eat as well as make mindful decisions. It is okay to have something that you enjoy eating with friends and family. Eating should not feel like a chore, so enjoy yourself to some extent, and just be mindful of your choices.