Has pain in your foot limited your activity level? Trust me, I've been there and done that. I have helped many people, just like you, cure their Plantar Fasciitis. You just need to do the right things.
I have written many post on plantar fasciitis and foot pain (here, here, here, here). I have followed many people on Facebook and Instagram.
The one thing that I keep seeing over and over is, what I call, passive treatments. These passive treatments can help your symptoms. But they will not address the root cause of your plantar fasciitis.
Plantar fasciitis is most often caused by an increase in activity, load, and/or demand. If you are not used to hiking, and you go for a long hike, you may get plantar fasciitis. If you usually run 1 mile 1-2 times per week and then increase to 3 miles 4 times per week, you may get plantar fasciitis.
The increase in activity is a good thing. You are trying to do something healthy for your body, for your self, for your life. I strongly encourage it.
So why is your body letting you down? The muscles in your feet and ankles are not trained for the increase in load you are putting them through.
How can you solve this problem? Train your feet!!!
The symptoms you are experiencing with your plantar fasciitis are due to the muscles of your foot and ankle not being ready to, or able to, handle the load.
So here is how you can address it. The following 2 exercises are just a starting point for you. There is much work involved in beating back this beast called plantar fasciitis.
Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis
First up we have towel curls.
Perform this exercise for 1 minute twice per day. Build it up to 5 minutes by adding 20-30 seconds every week.
Do not exceed this pace or you may make your feet feel worse!
The second exercise is picking up marbles
Do this exercise also 2 times per day for about 1 minute. Again, add 20-30 seconds per week. Do this daily until you get up to 3-4 minutes.
This will not work for everyone. But it is a good start for most of you. After a week or two of doing these exercises you will notice a decease in pain.
There are many other things you can do to add to this. Most people that I see get better are diligent with their home exercises.
You can do that too!
If you want more help, join my Facebook group that focuses on people just like you trying to fix your foot pain and other symptoms here.
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