Do you find yourself stuck at a desk for most of the day? If you do, you may feel that your hips are tight. This post is designed to give you the fix you are looking for.
Most Hips Aren't Tight
Did you know that, most of the time, tight hips aren't actually tight. This happens all over the body, but I see it really often in the hips!
The result of sitting all day at a computer or a desk can make hips feel tight, but if you have tried stretching them out it doesn't really help. What happens here is that the hips don't have to do any work to sit in a chair. Because of this, they feel tight and are weak. You will see a tremendous difference if you start working those muscles that feel tight.
Exercises for Tight Hips
Because a majority of you will benefit from strengthening your hips, we will show you some hip strengthening exercises first:
Seated March
You can do this one while you are sitting (yes, we get the irony)
Hip Flexor March
Banded Hip Flexor Strengthening
And finally some stretches:
Standing Hip Flexor Stretch
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Try to do these exercises at least once a day. I suggest using the strengthening for a week or two before trying the stretches.
Good Luck and may your hips feel better.