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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Foam Rolling the Lower Body

In every gym or fitness center you go to you probably see a foam roller. But what are they used for? Maybe you have used it on your legs or back. Maybe you are scared because you don't know what it is for. Below are some of the body parts you can use a foam roller on and some videos on how to do it.

What Does Foam Rolling Do

Foam rolling tells your body that it's okay to move. By using the foam roller for a minute or two on various parts of your body, you open up nervous system pathways to help your body move.

The foam roller does not loosen up tissues like we used to think it did. Studies have shown that it requires about 2000 lbs of pressure per square inch. The only way I know how to apply that much pressure is by using a bulldozer and most of you wouldn't like that.

Keep using the foam roller before your workout so you can gain access to increased ranges of motion in your joints!

Foam Rolling the Quads

Foam Rolling the Calves

Foam Rolling the Groin


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