It's the giving season. This time of year can be especially hard for some of you or some of your friends, family, or neighbors. The spirit of giving is high during the festivities of the holidays. A new year is a month away.
How Giving/Donating Can Benefit Your Health
It is known, and has been repeatedly proven, that giving can increase your mood. A good mood helps you feel better and can down regulate your heart rate and blood pressure. All healthy things.
Donating or giving activates your pleasure area in your brain. And then a whole cycle of chemical reactions happens that make you feel good.
The good news is that there is no right way to give. You can give as little or as much as you want. You can give your time, money, clothes, food, etc. The list goes on.
If you feel like you can't afford to give money, you can donate your time or some blood. If you don't like recognition you can give anonymously.
The important thing is that you don't give grudgingly. You should try to give what you can, but you don't have to. It is completely up to you.
If you are new to donations or giving, try something that may be easy for you. Below I have compiled a list (there is plenty more not listed here) of some ideas to help you start.
Donate Blood
Donate Plasma
Give Money to Cancer Research
Donate to Parkinson's Research
There a million other medical categories here
Donate your time to clean up a park
Help out at an animal shelter
Volunteer at a food bank
Give gifts for those that can't afford it
Donate new and/or used clothing
Recycle used furniture
Buy something that donates to a cause
Help children with homework
Take that unopened Halloween candy and donate it
Volunteer at a library
Babysit during parent teacher conferences
Organize a winter jacket collection
Volunteer at a community center
This list can go on forever. If nothing strikes you, make a list of things you like to do or that you did as a kid, and figure out a way to help others do that as well!!