As many of you have been stuck working from home due to the pandemic, I wanted to help you out with some issues that you may have noticed.
Tension Headaches
Tension headaches can be debilitating. They can cause you to lose time from work, family, and fun. These headaches are caused from increased tension in your neck muscles. These tiny muscles help to hold your neck and head up.
Looking up (or positions similar to that) can cause the joints of your neck to tighten up and lead to the tight muscles as well.
For every inch your ears are in front of your shoulders increases the amount of work your neck muscles do by 10 pounds!
Most of you can tolerate this for small bouts of time. But maybe, due to recent circumstances, you may have a marked increase in your amount of time in this position.
The symptoms of tension headaches can be caused by poor work station set ups, poor sleep position, bad pillows, bad chairs, weak spinal extension muscles, and tight anterior muscles like the pecs.
Sitting with poor posture for a long time can cause tension headaches. Although there is no perfect posture, there are ways for you to correct for forward head and resolve your headaches!!
Exercises for Tension Headaches
Chin Tuck Variations
Chin Tuck
Chin Tuck with Resistance
Chin Tuck Against Gravity
You can also do exercises for your upper back:
Static T Hold
Static Y Hold
And finally here are some stretches you can do to relieve your headaches
Upper Trap Stretch
Levator Scap Stretch
If you found this helpful, but want more. You can reach me at info@bodyfixpt.com or by calling 425-202-5687.
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