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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Plantar Fascia Surgery Should Be The Last Option

If you have followed this blog for a while you know that I try to help people, like you, avoid medications, injections, and surgeries.

If you are new here you will learn from reading these posts that I am trying to save you from the risks, missed opportunities, lost time, and other things associated with medication, injection, and surgeries.

That being said, sometimes surgery does need to happen.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatments

If you have, or have had, plantar fasciitis, you know how difficult life can be. It is hard to walk, pain getting out of bed. You lose hope. You think it won't get better.

I am here to tell you that it does get better. Plantar fasciitis, among other foot issues, heals!!

Different things work for different people. I am giving you a list of the most passive strategies for dealing with plantar fasciitis. Keep in mind that these things only help alleviate your symptoms and do not address the underlying issue!!

  • Shoes

  • Orthotics

  • Tape

  • Massage

  • Epsom Salt Bath

  • Rolling Out

  • Chiropractic (some)

  • Physical Therapy (some)

The physical therapists and chiropractors that just do massage and ultrasound are the ones in this group. These are some of the most common things. They are easy to do and require very little effort. It's plug and play basically! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

The next category of treatment involves more from you. It is more active:

Physical Therapy and/or Chiropractic

Depending on the setting, both physical therapists and chiropractors can be very beneficial. Each will take a look at you and figure out what is causing you to have your plantar fasciitis. It may not even be plantar fasciitis.

After the examination you will get a program tailored to you and your underlying causes. This will help you become better and heal better and faster. But your program may not work for someone else.

When you do this, you need to be responsible and do your work on your own as well as follow up regularly with your provider. This is how we can adapt your program to your needs.

Everyone's path is different, but the goal is the same! RESUME YOUR LIFE

Plantar Fascia Release

Lastly, I want to talk about the plantar fascia release surgery

Surgery is tough, it's invasive. A podiatrist or a orthopedic surgeon will open up your foot and cut through your plantar fascia to release tension (man that sounds painful).

Here is why it should be a last resort:

  • It doesn't address what caused you to have plantar fasciitis

  • It is invasive

  • It is not 100% effective

  • It can take even longer to recover from surgery

  • There can be nerve or other muscle issues

Now if you have tried your best with your physical therapist and have been diligent both in and out of the presence of your PT, and have had this for years, then maybe it's time for surgery.

It is important to note that recovering from plantar fasciitis requires active participation.

If you would like more information, please reach out via:

phone: 425-202-5687

or join my Facebook group just for people like you.


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