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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Small Actions Lead to Big Results!

Start small. Anytime you want to achieve something the trick is to start small.

A Grain Of Sand

Sand dunes were not built in a day. They started as one grain of sand. To achieve large things you need to start small.

Small items are more manageable. If you want to get in shape, start by walking once a week. Don't do everything at once. Gradually build up to it.

The same is true for all goals you want to achieve.

The Magic of Starting Small

Small steps are easier to achieve. They can get the proverbial ball rolling. Trying to start with too big of a task will set you up for failure.

As you achieve each small step, your confidence will improve and the next step is easier.

You will feel as though you are accomplishing something when you finish a small task that is part of your larger goal.

Small tasks and items will help you denote your progress along the way.

You are more likely to continue when you finish one task as opposed to being tied down to large items.

It Works For Everything

When you start a change in nutrition, make small changes as you gradually adjust.

If you want to start working out in the gym, commit to one 20 minute session.

Starting to run? Start by walking.

Want to write a book, begin with an outline.

Learning an instrument, try 10 minutes.

Want to win a hot dog eating contest? Start with one hotdog.

As you can see almost any task can be broken down into smaller parts. This is where your success will be found!



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