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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Thoughts on Black Lives Matter on this day; Juneteenth

Black Lives Matter Protest
Photo by Shane Aldendorff from Pexels

It was on this day, in 1865, that Union Soldiers landed in Galveston, Texas to announce that the Civil War was over. A full 2 and half years after President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclimation. The delay for this to happen in Texas is not known for sure, but there are many theories as to why. What is important to note is that this is the day that the United States was officially a free country. Go here for more information about Juneteenth!

Behavior of our country has not shown this to be the case. In recent days and weeks, there has been violence perpetrated against people of color across the country. It has taken a lot of time, if it happens, for our leaders to denounce this behavior. I believe that every American is equal! I wanted to supply everyone who follows this blog with some resources so we can all better understand what is happening in our country with the Black Lives Matter movement in order so that we may all heal and grow together. I truly believe that we will be stronger as a country because of what is happening right now.

Black Lives Matter resources:

We cannot sit by and watch during this time. We must take action. We all need to move forward. We need to be Anti-racist, not just sit back and wait for things to calm down. The resources above can help us all learn how to be better people. I hope that this helps people through this tough time in our nation.


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