This is the time of year for office parties, social gatherings, and getting together with family. There is so much to do and so little time to do it. Follow these tips to stay healthy this holiday season.
Holiday Health Tips
Limit Alcohol Consumption - Alcohol is high in calories and can have other health effects. Instead of avoiding it, just be responsible.
Be Social - Enjoy this time of year to be with friends and family!
It's Okay to Indulge - If you are at a party, it's okay to eat treats and other foods. Your cravings will subside by having some some of the time. Just don't eat all of them.
Get Outside - The fresh air can help you relieve some stress and feel normal.
Sleep - Try to stick to your regular sleep patterns.
Fill Up on Healthier Options - If you feel full, you are less likely to overeat cookies and other sweets.
Get Some Alone Time - Take some time to yourself to decompress.
Enjoy It - Take a step back and enjoy what this season is and can be.