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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Tips for Coping With Depression

Depression effects everyone differently. While treating depression is outside BodyFix's scope of practice, it is a component of wellness and well being. Due to the COVID-19 crisis and stay-at-home orders that have been in place for 6 months, we thought that it was important to give you some tips in how to cope. We know it isn't easy, but we want to help in any way we can. This is not professional advice, just things that have shown to help improve mood.

Reach Out and Stay Connected:

This goes for you if you are feeling depressed or if you know someone that may be depressed. Try to keep with social circles. Reach out through FaceTime, Zoom, a regular phone call, or meeting up outside. Keeping social circles has shown to help people minimize effects of depression.

Do Things That You Like:

Don't force yourself to have fun, that may make things worse. Is there something that you really like to do? What is it? Awesome, now go do it.

Although it may not be as simple as that, trying to do things that you like to do can lift up your spirits even if you aren't necessarily having fun doing it.


This one is our favorite. We talk a lot about how movement can make you feel better. It gets the blood flowing, the heart and lungs working, and builds up endorphins that improve mood. Even just going for a walk is helpful. Aim for 30 minutes 3-4 times per week. If you can't do that, it's okay. Do what you can (we are always available for ideas).

Get Some Sunlight:

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is real. Being in Washington State we know all about it. When you see some sun, try and stand outside and absorb some rays. Sunlight helps us synthesize Vitamin D and improves mood.

Eat Healthy:

You do not have to change everything you are eating, just try to make 1 healthier choice. Once you get used to that, try to make another one. Then make another one. Changing eating habits is tough. We definitely feel that small changes can become big changes. Making big changes all at once can sabotage what you are trying to do. So start small!

If you find yourself taking some of these small steps and not seeing much improvement, reach out for professional help. It is not a sign of weakness! Recognizing that you need help and seeking it out is a sign of strength. Nobody is perfect, we don't expect anyone to be perfect, and help is usually a phone call away.

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