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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

Top 5 Tips for Sleeping with Back Pain

We are going to get to the nitty gritty in this post. Sleep is important in relation to pain. The research is out on that fact and on poorer quality health down the road (here, here). The difficult part is that when you are in pain it is hard to sleep. So here are our top 5 tips for getting better sleep during and episode of back pain.

1. Sleep On Your Back

Sleeping on your back puts the least amount of stress on your lumbar spine. When on your stomach there is a tendency to hyperextend the lumbar spine and can increase inflammatory markers. Sleeping on your side is no different due to the spine curving to allow space for the hips to be on the bed. If you want to try to get even more comfortable, try putting a pillow under your knees.

2. Have Night Time Rituals

Doing the same or similar things before bedtime will help you unwind and relax. This can be any number of things. Try to start about an hour before bed and brush your teeth, read a book, take a shower, have a glass of water, pick out clothes for the next day, etc.

Along these same lines, shoot for a similar time frame. If you usually go to bed around 10pm, try to keep to that as often as possible. Our bodies follow a Circadian Rhythm and everyone is different, but each individual responds to their own clock and staying close to that is beneficial.

3. Invest in a High Quality Mattress

We will not recommend a specific mattress in this section. You all like different things. Some of you like a firm mattress and some like a soft mattress. It is all about you. What type of mattress are you most comfortable on. There are a ton of options out there, so finding the right fit for you will take some time and effort on your part. Plenty of mattress websites and retailers will let you return it after 30-90 days if it is not what you are looking for. A good mattress is pricey, so it's okay to be choosy.

4. Be Well Hydrated

This tip relies solely on your ability to regulate your water and fluid intake throughout the entire day. Recommendations for fluid intake are all over the map. I generally recommend 1 fluid oz of water per kilogram of body weight up to 100 ounces. Not sure how many kilograms you weigh, go here. If you are way below that, gradually increase by 10 ounces per day.

If you want to include all fluid in your 100 ounces, go for it. Include your coffee, juice, energy drinks, and sodas. But try to have some of your fluid be plain water.

5. Get Some Exercise

Exercise has been shown to help regulate hormones. Hormones play an active role in your sleep cycle. If you can fit in at least a 30 minute walk everyday, that is great. If you can't get that in, try to do 10-15 minutes of jumping jacks or jumping rope in the middle of the day or up to 2 hours before you go to sleep. Be careful not to overdue your exercise if you haven't been exercising for a while.

If you want to talk about some of these or get even more tips, please reach out to us by phone or email and we will be happy to have a conversation with you.



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