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  • Writer's pictureDr. Joel Spring

What is Metabolic Conditioning

In this post I am going to explain what metabolic conditioning is and the benefits of adding it to you workout routine. Before we can get into what metabolic conditioning (MetCon) is, we need to have a quick introduction to metabolism and metabolic pathways.


Metabolism is defined as "the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available." (

Our metabolism is thus how our bodies process food, drink, and any other fuel source. It is often defined in the fitness industry as helping you to be lean and build muscle or decrease body fat percentage.

Metabolic Pathways

There are three metabolic pathways that are used by your body. These are the energy systems that you use to expend energy and use your body and or muscles to accomplish things. The three systems are called the phosphagen system, the glycolytic system, and the oxidative system.

The Phosphagen System

This is the fast acting system. It is also know as the anaerobic system. To use energy quickly for sprints and Olympic weightlifting we use the phosphagen system. Using this system for all out efforts will require rest before it is ready to be used again. It is used for the first 0-10 seconds of an exercise.

The Glycolytic System

After 10 seconds the glycolytic system takes over and can be used for up to a few minutes. These activities include weightlifting and longer duration sprints (think 800 meters). This system also requires rest before it can be reused.

The Oxidative System

This system is often referred to as the aerobic system. This system is responsible for long duration activities like 5k runs or long bike rides. Depending on the pace you use, this system can be used for a long time if fuel is ingested while performing the exercise.

All 3 systems are used in all activities, some are just more dominant during certain types of exercise


A MetCon is a type of exercise or group of exercises that are designed to improve the metabolic pathways. By improving the metabolic pathways, we also improve our bodies ability to burn calories at rest (fitness definition of metabolism). It focusses on the first two (phosphagen and glycolytic) systems listed above.

A MetCon should consist of moderate and high-intensity exercise. By incorporating exercises that work different body parts (upper body, lower body, full body, and/or cardio) we let the systems alternate rest and work periods in order to recharge.

There are many types of MetCon workouts including CrossFit, P90X, HIIT, or Orange Theory. The key is to work hard while one system is in play. An example of a MetCon workout is:

3 rounds:

10 Squats

10 Push Ups

400 meter run

1 minute rest

This example has a lower body (squat), upper body (push up), whole body (run), and a rest period for recharging the systems.

Benefits of Metabolic Conditioning

  • Burn Calories More Efficiently - elevated heart rate will help us burn more calories

  • Improve Lean Muscle Mass - lean muscle helps us burn calories, even while at rest

  • Improve Metabolism - muscle burns more calories during the day than fat does

  • Spend Less Time at The Gym - The above workout will help build lean muscle and only takes about 15-20 minutes.

  • Burn Calories for Longer - Doing MetCon workouts keeps your body burning extra calories even after you are done through a phenomenon called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). EPOC happens as your body needs more oxygen to build up its stores

I highly recommend adding in at least 2 days of metabolic conditioning per week to help you lose some stubborn inches around the waist and help increase your metabolism. If you would like some help with MetCon ideas look at the BodyFix PT Instagram every Tuesday and Friday.



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